What if you could turn your past and your problems into possibilities?
Is now the time for you to let go of being normal, and allow yourself to be the greatness you truly be?
SUSANNA MITTERMAIER inspires the world to discover talents and possibilities that are hiding beneath what appear to be weaknesses.

Susanna Mittermaier MSc is the founder of the revolutionary new approach of Pragmatic Psychology, an active worldwide speaker, an international bestselling author in twelve countries with her new book: Pragmatic Psychology – tools for being crazy happy – and founder of the Pragmatic Psychology Centre in Vienna.
Susanna Mittermaier studied to become a psychologist in Sweden, and worked for years in the field of mental health, with inpatients and outpatients with all types of diagnosis.
She worked in pediatric oncology, and also in psychiatry and psychotherapy, neurological testing and staff coaching at the university clinic in Lund in Sweden. She soon discovered new and different ways of working with patients. Her experiences led her to writing a book, that became a best seller. And now there’s a lot of interest worldwide in her unusual way of looking at things. She offers classes, keynote speeches, and lectures. The people who come to these courses are doctors, teachers, parents, therapists, ward sisters, social workers, people with different diagnoses, people who think there’s something wrong with them, and would like to find out how they can use their difference to their advantage, and everyone who chooses to empower people to know what they know.
Susanna grew up in Vienna and waltzes her way through life– lightly and elegantly – differently. She has the gift of accepting everyone, judging nothing and no one, and living life as a celebration. Susanna knows that this possibility is available to everyone! She has an extraordinary capacity for bringing lightness joy and happiness to the world.
She shows the world that depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism and every other diagnosis we think of as mental illness are actually capacities, which are often not recognised, and which can be transformed into new possibilities – as part of a life that is way greater than you could have imagined.
Would you like to join us, and let’s create the world that you always knew was possible!
What if your life could be about playing rather than fighting?
Would you allow yourself to be the gift to the world you truly are?
Pragmatic Psychology
Susanna’s first book was “Pragmatic Psychology – Practical tools for being crazy happy”. It became a best seller in 12 countries, and was translated into German, French, Italian, Spanish and Chinese. There will be more books soon!
READ NOWWho Is Henry?
Susanna has also written a children’s book “Who’s Henry?” A story about being different and using it to your advantage.
READ NOWFairytale Family
Fairytale Family, Embracing the possibilities beyond your past” is Susanna´ s contribution to having more ease with family.
Advanced Pragmatic Psychology
What future is available for us beyond drama, trauma, upset and intrigue!